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Pascal Laliberté


I’m the creator of ReadWith, and I’ve had some great personal growth experiences reading books, especially with others.

The reading notes I’m making available on ReadWith will help you if you’re on a freelancing journey, where you chose a risky lifestyle to prioritize creative expression and betting on excellence in your craft.

If you’re like me, you find it important to discover new insights and to pursue becoming the best version of yourself, and your relationships are central to where you’re heading next.

My Reading Notes, Accessible Through ReadWith.

ReadWith allows you to read along with me, and see my notes as you read. It's like being in a reading group, even though we're not reading at the same time. To get a sense of how it works, see a sample note from one of the books listed below.


The books I have listed below fit the following pursuits. See below to be notified of new books I'll be adding under these and other pursuits.

A system for
freelancing leads
Moving closer
to the business


The Practice by Seth Godin

For pursuits:
A system for
freelancing leads
I recommend this book if you've been looking to start publishing. Maybe it's building something in public. Maybe it's starting a podcast to help your audience. For me, I read this when it became clear I needed to feed my mind with enough perspective to keep a publishing habit that wasn't going to pay off right away, and to do it anyway.

Thinking in Systems by D. H. Meadows

For pursuits:
A system for
freelancing leads
I recommend this book if, before you start on your next career moves, you'd like to understand the concept of a "flywheel" in more depth, with some more rigour, scrutiny and skepticism. I was hesitating on which topic to publish about, and so abstract concepts in this book allowed me to understand what causes small consistent actions to compound (or not). I learned about the general idea of a stock and drew my own list of freelancing stocks: some are fragile and need protection, some will grow organically, some others can grow quickly with effort. It's an abstract book and my notes contain my concrete applications to freelancing.

Million Dollar Consulting by Alan Weiss

For pursuits:
Moving closer
to the business
I recommend this book if you're ready to start advising clients at a higher level, and you want to move away from execution and delivery. Since I had already learned a lot of the book's ideas from other sources, my notes don't convey a first-learner's amazement. Instead, my notes highlight the new tweaks and the confirmations I got from the book. My experience as of reading this book was advising smaller clients, but still found reading the book nourishing. The last appendix on 101 questions to ask in sales conversations is something I'll come back to.

Maybe not these books? Sign up to be notified below of new books I'll be making accessible, under new pursuits.

How does ReadWith work?

When getting access to my reading notes, you'll be prompted to start entering your own thoughts about the passages you're reading in the book, along with the page number (or time remaining if you're listening to an Audio book). As you add notes, my own notes pertaining to the topics of the book up to the point of your latest note will be shown to you. It'll feel a bit like you're in a reading group, even though we haven't read the book at the same time.

Here's a sample note from Thinking in Systems, so you can get a feel for what it's like.

Maybe not these books.
Are you reading other books with ReadWith, Pascal?

Yep, besides the books above, I've been recording my reading notes for other books. I only put reading notes for sale for the books I'd recommend, which means I only publish my reading notes for a few books a year. I'll be announcing new books soon.

I'll also be sharing about new features I'm building for ReadWith, and so here's where you can sign up to stay in the loop: